Friday, April 1, 2011

4 Kualitas Wanita Pilihan Pria

Source: Yahoo News

BERUNTUNGLAH Anda para wanita yang memiliki paras cantik dan bodi seksi. Tapi, apakah kualitas itu cukup sebagai syarat menjadi pendamping hidup yang baik?

Layaknya wanita, pria pun memilih pendamping hidup tak dari fisik semata. Saat pria ingin berkomitmen, pria akan memilih wanita dengan kualifikasi sebagai berikut:

* Energi
Pria menyukai wanita yang memiliki energi. Energi untuk melakukan aktivitasnya sendiri atau pun masih bisa meluangkan energi untuk memperhatikan pria.

* Seksi
Seksi tidak hanya diwujudkan dalam sepotong lingerie. Pria senang dengan wanita yang tampil nyaman dalam setiap penampilan, berapa pun usianya.

* Easy going
Pria akan jatuh cinta pada wanita yang kalem dan cool. Tidak mudah jatuh dalam pelukan, juga tidak terlalu tinggi hati dalam berteman.

* Terima kasih
Tidak perlu otak jenius untuk mengucapkan terima kasih. Dan pria akan langsung jatuh hati pada wanita yang sopan untuk mengucapkan terima kasih atas bantuan yang telah pria berikan.

So, high quality woman kah Anda? (kpl/***)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Delapan Tipe Orang Perlu Dijauhi

VIVAnews | By Pipiet Tri Noorastuti, Anda Nurlaila - Rabu, 1 Desember

Hubungan yang sehat penting bagi kesehatan dan kesejahteraan jiwa. Namun, kerapkali kita terjebak dalam hubungan dengan sosok yang memiliki karakter 'negatif'.  Mereka umumnya sering mengeluh, mudah marah, atau tidak sabar.

Mengenali karakter seseorang di awal perkenalan menjadi penting. Apalagi jika ada prospek melanjutkannya dalam hubungan yang lebih serius. Kenali sejumlah karakter seseorang, seperti dikutip dari Times of India.

1. Memelihara masa lalu
Beberapa orang menolak melepaskan masa lalu dan cenderung 'merawat' kenangan menyakitkan. Akibatnya, orang ini hidup dengan kemarahan dan kepahitan. Bila terjadi terus menerus, dapat mempengaruhi orang yang berada di sekitarnya.
Solusi: Jika mereka mulai memunculkan subjek masa lalu, jangan ragu memberitahu dia bahwa Anda tidak ingin membicarakannya.

2. Mengasihani diri sendiri
Tidak ada yang lebih menjengkelkan daripada orang yang merasa menanggung beban seluruh dunia. Alih-alih mencari solusi, orang tipe ini terus mengasihani diri sendiri dan tidak melihat jalan keluar.
Solusi: Tawarkan bantuan dan jika masih tidak mau berubah, sebaiknya menjauh darinya.

3. Munafik
Tidak ada yang lebih menjengkelkan daripada berhubungan dengan orang yang memiliki sifat 'lain di mulut lain di hati'. Di depan Anda, dia muncul orang yang paling manis, namun bersikap sebaliknya di belakang Anda.
Solusi: Jika Anda menangkap ini terjadi berulangkali kepada orang lain, segera jauhi. Bukan tidak mungkin dia melakukan hal serupa kepada Anda.

4. Selalu negatif
Dia adalah jenis orang yang selalu memandang hal negatif dari hidup mereka.
Solusi: Bantulah melihat sisi positif dari dirinya. Jika tidak mau menerima, jangan biarkan hal negatif itu mempengaruhi Anda.

5. Paling sempurna
Orang seperti ini biasanya merasa lebih baik dan menarik daripada orang lain. Ia sangat menikmati aktivitas mengkritik dan menertawai orang lain.
Solusi: Bersikap sabar dengan perilakunya. Namun, jika mereka tidak berubah, sudah saatnya Anda untuk meninggalkannya.

6. Bangga mengumbar rahasia
Mereka sangat bangga menceritakan skandal dalam hidup dan senang melibatkan sebanyak mungkin orang dalam perdebatan.
Solusi: Bisa saja Anda dapat mendengarkannya. Namun bila mempengaruhi diri sendiri, segera menjauh.

7. Frustasi
Orang ini selalu merasa frustrasi dengan hidupnya dan melampiaskannya pada orang lain di sekitarnya. Bahkan, seringkali mereka mengambil kesimpulan yang irasional.
Solusi: Jika ia mulai merencanakan sesuatu yang gila katakan bahwa hal itu mengganggu Anda.

8. Sang Komentator
Orang seperti ini mengomentari semua yang terjadi dalam kehidupan orang lain. Seringkali, perkataan mereka menimbulkan perkelahian.
Solusi: Berhati-hatilah bila berada di sekitar orang tersebut dan berhati-hati dengan perkataan Anda.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Agar Produksi Sperma Melimpah

By Pipiet Tri Noorastuti, Siswanto - Rabu, 24 November | Yahoo News

VIVAnews – Memperhatikan kesehatan sperma sangat penting bagi pasangan yang tengah berencana memiliki buah hati. Sama halnya sel telur, kondisi sperma menentukan tingkat kesuburan.
Salah satu ciri sperma sehat adalah jika jumlahnya mencapai 20 juta per mililiter sperma atau air mani. Demi mempertahankan kesehatan sperma, ada beberapa hal yang perlu Anda tahu, seperti dikutip dari laman Methods Of Healing.

1. Olahraga
Ketika tubuh Anda selalu dalam kondisi yang baik, jumlah kandungan sperma Anda pun akan baik. Mempertahankan kondisi tubuh mudah dilakukan dengan menerapkan olahraga teratur.

2. Ejakulasi
Atur waktu ejakulasi. Tunggu sampai tiga hari untuk ejakulasi lagi. Ejakulasi terlalu sering bisa memperburuk kualitas sperma.

3. Gizi seimbang
Dengan asupan nutrisi yang tepat, seorang pria dewasa bisa memaksimalkan kuantitas sperma. Hindari makanan pedas. Tingkatkan konsumsi sayuran seperti bayam, brokoli, asparagus, dan ganggang laut. Juga buah-buahan seperti tomat, semangka, jambu, dan anggur merah.

4. Air Putih
Tak ada fungsi organ yang berjalan normal saat tubuh kekurangan air. Dalam kondisi dehidrasi akibat kekurangan cairan, produksi hormon penghasil sperma akan terhambat. Takaran ideal, konsumsi air sedikitnya delapan gelas per hari.

5. Pola hidup sehat
Selain asupan nutrisi, kesehatan sperma juga dipengaruhi gaya hidup. Demi kuantitas dan kualitas sperma yang prima, hindari stres, konsumsi rokok dan alkohol. Kebiasan buruk semacam itu bisa merusak kualitas sperma. Pemakaian celana dalam yang terlalu ketat juga memperburuk kualitas sperma.

6. Bercinta di pagi hari
Kebiasaan ini seringkali dijadikan trik untuk mempercepat memiliki momongan. Saat bangun tidur di pagi hari, produksi sperma berada di tingkat tertinggi.

7. Berat badan ideal
Berat badan berlebih bisa memengaruhi kuantitas sperma. Pilih menu-menu diet terbaik yang menunjang perbaikan kualitas kesehatan sperma.
Penurunan jumlah sperma bisa terjadi karena sejumlah alasan. Selain kebiasaan mengenakan celana terlalu ketat, infeksi dalam tubuh juga dapat menurunkan kuantitas dan kualitas sperma. Menjadi penting berkonsultasi dengan dokter karena konsumsi obat-obatan jenis tertentu juga seringkali memengaruhi kualitas sperma. (pet)

Sunday, February 22, 2009

10 Things You Need to Know About Love

by Mike Hardcastle
  1. Love does not hurt. Physical and/or emotional abuse are not a part of love.
  2. Love is not manipulative, it should not be used to get others to do what you want. You should never give in to demands based on the, "You would do it if you loved me!" tactic.
  3. Love is an intense feeling of caring for another person. It can take many different forms (romantic, friendly, familial) but it is always about caring.
  4. Although it is true that a big part of love is putting another person's happiness ahead of your own this never includes compromising your values or being untrue to yourself.
  5. If somebody asks you to do something that you don't want to do in order to "prove" your love they do not love you the way you might think they do. When you love another person you don't ask them to sacrifice a part of themselves in the name of that love.
  6. It is very easy to confuse lust for love. The true measure of romantic love is commitment and trust not physical attraction.
  7. It is possible to feel romantic love for more than one person at a given time. Just think, if it is possible for you to love both of your parents at the same time why would it be impossible to feel romantic love for two people at once? Don't beat yourself up emotionally if you find yourself in this unhappy situation. But be sure to remain single and be open and honest with all parties about your feelings and confusion.
  8. Sex is NOT love. Love is NOT sex. Sex can be a part of romantic love but it is never mandatory.
  9. Romantic love can (and often does) fade. When it goes there is not always a reason. When somebody falls out of love with you it does not reflect upon your value as a person or your desirability.
  10. Love should make you feel happy, secure and appreciated.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

9 Words Women Use

The Real Meanings of
9 Words Women Use
The Secrets Are Revealed!
What Man Should Know
  1. Fine = This is the word women use to end an argument when they are right and you need to shut up.
  2. Five Minutes = If she is getting dressed, this means a half an hour. Five minutes is only five minutes if you have just been given five more minutes to watch the game before helping around the house.
  3. Nothing = This is the calm before the storm. This means something, and you should be on your toes. Arguments that begin with nothing usually end in fine.
  4. Go Ahead = This is a dare, not permission. Don't Do It!
  5. Loud Sigh = This is actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A loud sigh means she thinks you are an idiot and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you about nothing. (Refer back to #3 for the meaning of nothing.)
  6. That's Okay = This is one of the most dangerous statements a women can make to a man. That's okay means she wants to think long and hard before deciding how and when you will pay for your mistake.
  7. Thanks = A woman is thanking you, do not question, or Faint. Just say you're welcome.
  8. Whatever = Is a women's way of saying F@!K YOU!
  9. Don't worry about it, I got it = Another dangerous statement, meaning this is something that a woman has told a man to do several times, but she is now doing it herself. This will later result in a man asking "What's wrong?” For the woman's response refer to #3.
Send this to the men you know, to warn them about arguments they can avoid if they remember the terminology.
Send this to all the women you know to give them a good laugh, cause they know it's true.

Source: Unknown ~ Tipsy

Friday, October 3, 2008

Dating After a Breakup: 4 Things You Must Know

By Dr. Laura Berman

After a significant relationship ends, or if you've been through a divorce, the idea of jumping back into the dating world can be overwhelming and intimidating. This is especially true if you are a single parent, or if you have been out of the dating game for a long time. Fortunately, there are many ways you can simplify your return to courtship and make a success out of your newfound singledom.

These are the 4 things you need to know:

Take time to heal. Make sure that you are mentally and emotionally prepared to date again. This is one of the most important parts of dating after a split. The end of a marriage or long-term relationship can be quite traumatic, especially if children are involved and you were together for many years. You can get through this difficult time by talking to a therapist, relying on friends and family for support, and taking each day as it comes. When you are ready to date again, you will know it!

Find your confidence. Divorce can do a number on a person's self-esteem. You might blame yourself for a breakup, think that you are a failure, or obsessively wonder what you did wrong. Stop! Your heart is still reeling, and only time will help heal the happiness and confidence that you lost. Until then, fake it ‘til you make it. Try a new haircut, get a facial, start working out again, or update your wardrobe. It might sound simple, but sometimes a little self-esteem boost can do wonders!

Get out there. You are not going to meet Mr. or Mrs. Right if you never leave the comfort and safety of your own living room. Make an effort to meet new people, and commit to dating at least twice per month. Ask your friends or family members if they know of any great single guys or gals, or try your hand at online dating. The more dates you go on, the more chances you will have to meet someone special. And even if the romantic connection isn't there, you can still network, meet new friends, and just have fun!

Prepare the kids. If you are dating and you have kids, try to keep any prospective partners away from the house until you are certain he or she is a keeper. Have sleepovers at their house, or if they have kids too, rent a hotel room or save sleepovers for nights when the kids are away. You don't want to confuse or hurt your children if the relationship doesn't pan out. Once you both feel comfortable that the relationship is serious then you can bring your new mate around to meet the kids. Try to make it a fun activity, such as a picnic lunch at the park, or an afternoon at an amusement park.

Remember, love and romance are important parts of everyone's life. Commit to making dating part of your life again, and enjoy the adventure and fun that comes along for the ride!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

3 Red Flags That You're Headed for a Breakup

By Dr. Laura Berman

When it comes to breaking up, hindsight is 20/20. But wouldn't it be nice if you could tell that you and your partner were headed for a falling out before it happened?

Fortunately, you can predict a break up. And with just a little bit of tweaking, you can get back on track and rescue your relationship before it hits the rocks.

Red Flag #1: Tuning OutOne of the most common reasons relationships fail is because one or both partners is tuning out. It might sound minor, but in actuality, few things are more hurtful than being ignored by your loved one, whether that is accompanied by emotional neglect or physical distance.

The Cure: Take Down the Wall Tuning back in is easy. All you have to do is agree to listen to your partner's feedback and dedicate time and emotion to the relationship again. Start taking down the emotional wall, brick by brick. Look at your partner in the eye when he or she speaks (even if it is not what you want to hear), make physical contact daily (even if it is just holding hands), and re-commit to the relationship.

Red Flag #2: Fighting Fire with FireCouples who fight fire with fire can expect a relationship that is constantly up in flames. Name-calling, sarcasm, criticism, and violence (from throwing things, slamming doors, to actual physical abuse) result in emotional wounds that are hard to heal and relationships that are hard to rescue.

The Cure: Pour Water on the FlamesThe next time you feel anger guiding you to say, or do, things you might regret, take time to cool off. If that's not possible, try framing your complaints as requests. For instance instead of, "Why did you forget our date?," you could say, "I feel sad that you forgot our date. How can we make sure this doesn't happen again?" If your partner is the one who is fanning the flames, don't engage in the vicious cycle of insults and tantrums. You can't fight fire with fire if the other person won't engage in the flame-throwing.

Red Flag #3: Refusing to Own UpNo one is perfect, so why is it that some of us refuse to take responsibility in our most important relationships? Passing the buck and playing the victim are surefire ways to put a relationship in jeopardy.

The Cure: Take Responsibility for Your ActionsThe next time you forget an anniversary, or say something hurtful to your spouse, don't try to pass the buck and refuse to take responsibility. Instead, admit where you went wrong and try harder next time. Sounds simple... but it can save your relationship.

By making simple changes to the way you and your partner communicate, you can keep your relationship intact. All couples fight and argue, but it is how you fight and argue that determines whether your love can weather the storm.